I'm wondering about hemp and cbd lately. Its being marketed as a fix all cure all for every thing from hang nails to stage 4 cancer. There is a push like I've never seen to get hemp and CBD products to mass market i see product labels starting to use a cannabis leaf looking logo.slowly conditioning us subliminally to accept a new ingredient. All the major magazines had whole issues dedicated to weed cannabis hemp all this went on for a years. California started the business and boom Colorado hijacked it with a massive pr campaign which led to weed snobs in boutique clubs. the best weed in Colorado comes from California. they just cant compare right around that time is when i searted noticing cameras Ive always wondered why you see a camera on a phone pole 500 miles from nowhere nothing to see but sand.abd trees Conditioning. The thing doesn't even work, its a psyop

Which brings me to the what some people say is a population control device for culling the population. The theory our owners don't need as many of us around any more and are taking steps to thin the heard. Its not hard to imagine at the rate technology is going humans will be obsolete in 50 or so years. It seems we are being slowly engineered to adapt to plans made long ago by "them"CBD vaccines chemtrails and now hemp and CBS. When have giant corporations done any thing good for anything and the only way anything or product or idea gets this much air time right out the gate going form evil drug to white night over knight is with a corporate agenda which always looks good in the beginning slowly and unperceptivly integrated into your everyday experience until it becomes excepted even embraced reinforced by propaganda and social engineering like cigarette smoking and vaccines.
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Thur corporate channels and corporate media any thing can become injected and accepted into the culture like this Theres going to be a day when face book has what it wants and no longer entertains and informs you but anticipates your thoughts and moves like your in a bad chess game with no way out. Can you say phytoremediation. that's what hemp does best, removes toxins from the soil like a sponge. Toxins like strontium and cesium plutonium and nuclear waist, heavy metals stuff like that. maybe hemp can be a delivery device to like tobacco. remember when tobacco companies went to china and got caught developing tobacco seeds with quality's like increased nicotine and addiction potential Corporate engineering for max profit.
Fracking isn't for gas its to poison the ground water for future profits and limit furture human migration after they burn doen california in stratigassult. where is everyone going to go? thats right into the citys that have been planned AND DESIGNED for years. in 20 years from now there's going to be a water shortage, water rationing, water tax... control water and you have total control . We have been absorbing chemtrail nano particles for 20 years now aluminum barium strontium injected right into the cycle of life, absorbed into everything. Now look around and see all the new cell towers everywhere all over the place and your cell phone works half as good as 5 years ago. WTF ? They put them in the middle of nowhere on the highways partially disguised as a weird looking palm tree. people think its just a cheap job to keep complaints and objections down. i think half of them are decoys that don't even work but again to condition you slowly into acceptance You notice theres never an explanation every one agrees on, what they do or why there in the school yard no one knows eventuly its just tolerated and accepted. The true purpuse shows up 10 years later when theyer deployed on the general population What some believe there for isnt this 5G INTERNET OF THINGS HOAX but is Emmit micro waves in different frequency's and. theres going to be millions of them every where and not to improve your cell service..Guess again. Pizeo electric is when a certain element or crystalline substance creates electricity when exposed to certain frequency's like microwaves.
CBD is extracted from hemp and comes at 96% pure that leaves 4% for other ingredients. what if drinking water had 4% plutonium along with the fluoride that's added for "dental health" which by the way i strongly believe is a Nazi invention. I recently discovered after watching the exceptionally excellent film vaxxed,,, The.CDC, [center for disease control] is just that. Their in control of all the disease, who gets it, where they get it, who gets cured, and who doesnt. Another Nazi engineering innovating.
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