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Showing posts from November, 2018

Hemp and cbd

BUD FREELY'S CBD       NOID REVUE I'm wondering about hemp and cbd lately .  Its being marketed as a fix all cure all for every   thing from hang nails to stage 4 cancer. There is a push like I've never seen to get hemp and CBD products to mass market i see product labels starting to use a cannabis leaf looking logo.slowly conditioning us subliminally to accept a new ingredient. All the major magazines had whole issues dedicated to weed cannabis hemp all this went on for a years.  California started the business and boom Colorado hijacked it with a massive pr campaign which led to weed snobs in boutique clubs. the best weed in Colorado comes from California. they just cant compare right around that time is when i searted noticing cameras  Ive always wondered why you see a camera on a phone pole 500 miles from nowhere nothing to see but sand.abd trees Conditioning. The thing doesn't even work, its a psyop   m marij...